Making Space Open Making Space Open

Autonomous Non-profit Organization «Space Education Development» with Geoscan’s support has initiated the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Making Space Open 2024», focusing on all current areas of development in open space technologies used on satellites and ground stations, as well as space education and the popularization of such topics both in our country and around the world.

This event should bring together experts and enthusiasts dedicated to the development of open space technologies and educational infrastructure. It will serve as a platform for exchanging ideas, sharing methods, and collaborating on solutions to pressing challenges. On behalf of the organizing committee, we invite all relevant Russian and foreign specialists to participate in the conference.

Making Space Open
CubeSat CubeSat

Open space represents humanity’s opportunity to conduct research, to advance science and technology, to use new technologies, and to move towards prosperity in a new way. This path will be a reliable guarantee of long-term, continuous, and free access to technologies, with equal opportunities for all humankind.

To accomplish this, we adhere to the following principles:

1. All people have the right to explore and use outer space for the benefit and in the interests of all humanity.

2. The exploration and use of outer space are carried out jointly and cooperativel.

3. Outer space is used exclusively for peaceful purposes.

4. Profit-making is not the driving force behind space exploration.

5. All people should have access to outer space, space technologies, and space data.

To achieve these principles, we must rely on he following pillars:

Open Source / Any technologies developed for outer space should be published and licensed under open-source software licenses.

Open Data / All data related to outer space and produced there should be freely accessible, freely usable by anyone, anywhere, and should be shared and managed in accordance with the principles outlined above.

Open Development / All technologies for outer space should be developed in a transparent, understandable, well-documented, verifiable, modular, and efficient manner.

Open Governance / All technologies for outer space should be governed based on approaches of collaborative, direct and distributed participation and cooperation.

To achieve these principles, we must rely on he following pillars:

Open Source / Any technologies developed for outer space should be published and licensed under open-source software licenses.

Open Data / All data related to outer space and produced there should be freely accessible, freely usable by anyone, anywhere, and should be shared and managed in accordance with the principles outlined above.

Open Development / All technologies for outer space should be developed in a transparent, understandable, well-documented, verifiable, modular, and efficient manner.

Open Governance / All technologies for outer space should be governed based on approaches of collaborative, direct and distributed participation and cooperation.

Open Technologies on Small Spacecrafts
  • Open-source projects on Small Spacecrafts experiences and outcomes
  • Amateur radio satellites
Scientific Experiments on Small Spacecrafts
  • Conducting scientific experiments in space: experiences, plans, results, achievements
  • Development of Small Spacecrafts technologies for scientific experiments
Space for Education
  • Educational space projects: achievements and results
  • Educational technologies for creating innovative learning processes
  • Experience in space education
Open Ground Technologies for Space Exploration
  • Open radio technologies
  • Open software technologies
  • Amateur radio ground projects
Dates and registration
Dates and registration
First Information Notice
Second Information Notice and Opening of Paper Abstract Registration
Deadline for Paper Abstract Registration
Third Information Notice with Preliminary Session Schedule
Conference Begins

Registration takes place in two stages, using the forms below. In the first stage, participants register for the conference itself, where they must select their participation format: with or without a presentation, in-person or remote. In the second stage, participants need to select the topic of their presentation and upload the text. Requirements to formatting the paper will be published before the start of the second registration stage.

General requirements for the abstract:

1. The document must be in Word format, Times New Roman font, 12 font size, 1.5 line spacing, justified alignment. Volume from 1 to 3 typewritten pages (up to 7,000 characters, including spaces and bibliography).

2. The abstracts should contain the following information:

  • The first line should contain the title in capital letters, bold, centered.
  • The author's initials and surname should be single-spaced in italics on the right margin. On the next line in italics on the right margin - country (for participants from other countries), city, name of the educational institution and educational program (if student), e-mail address.

3. The list of references should be formatted after a line from the text (no more than 5 main sources) in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003.

4. The abstracts should clearly formulate the problem under consideration, the approach used to solve it, and state the main results obtained.

5. Applications with abstracts that do not reflect the main provisions of the presentation, as well as those less than 1 page in length, will not be considered.

6. The abstracts should be written correctly, without spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors. The author is responsible for the scientific content and presentation of the material.